Fuel Break Capital Partners is proud to partner with some of the leading distressed asset and opportunistic investment firms in the industry including exclusive strategic partnerships with the following firms:
Northlight Capital Partners
Northlight Capital Partners (nlightcp.com) is a joint venture between Hillspoint Partners and Northlight Financial that is focused on opportunistic debt and equity real estate investments. The NCP management team has been working together since 2008, sourcing, acquiring, and managing bankruptcy related loans, distressed commercial mortgages, and real estate owned assets. Prior to coming together in 2008, senior NCP professionals originated and acquired credit-related assets during their careers and managed significant business units at GE Capital, Bank of America, Heller Financial, and Gilman Investment Company.
Oak Point Partners
Oak Point Partners (www.oakpointpartners.com) is a private investment firm specializing in the purchase of residual assets including those at the tail end of commercial bankruptcy cases. In purchasing Remnant Assets, Oak Point also buys portfolios of Default Judgments from Preference Cases, Highly-Aged Commercial Receivables, Claims in Class Action Settlements, and other types of residual assets. Oak Point provides an outlet for Bankruptcy Trustees, Creditors Committees and Counsel, Secured Lenders, Restructuring Officers, and Business Managers to turn their non-performing or remnant assets into cash.
Five Crowns Capital
Founded in January 2003, Five Crowns Capital (www.fivecrownscapital.com) is a private investment firm that sponsors buyouts of small and middle market companies. Five Crowns invests in acquisitions of private companies, corporate divestitures from public companies, structured bridge loans, distressed debt, and special situations.
A particular strength of the firm is understanding and taking a contrarian view towards complex situations and out of favor industries.